SGH (Super Global High School)
What is The SGH program?
The Super Global High School Program aims to foster globalized leaders who will be able to play active roles on the international stage through education at high schools that contribute to this mission. Students will achieve goals such as awareness and deep knowledge of social issues, communication ability and problem-solving skills.
Kyoto Gakuen’s mission
Here at Kyoto Gakuen, we strive to create students who not only think globally but who also can act globally. Having the honor of being made an SGH high school, has aided us in our ambition. Our SGH initiative is based on two clear and separate strategies, instilling seven distinct skills that we nurture and foster in all our students, and our KOA global studies program. Through this dual focus we create leaders who we’ve termed as ‘Global Navigators’, a person who can successfully explore, navigate and provide sustainable solutions to the myriad of issues that face us both globally and locally.
The Seven Skills
To become a Global Navigator, we’ve used the ideas of Tony Wagner the co-director of Harvard’s Change Leadership Group to establish 7 skills that we see are essential to foster: critical thinking, collaboration, agility, communication, information analysis, initiative and creativity. Through instilling these skills in their lessons and projects, they acquire both the confidence in their own ability and the skill-set required to be successful in what they wish to achieve.
KOA Global Studies
With a focus on ‘food’ especially in Asia and Africa our students conduct multidisciplinary, comprehensive and exploratory studies on food both on a domestic and global level, in collaboration with universities, local businesses, experts and international organizations. Some of the areas we’ve looked at are food distribution, food sustainability and the strong relationship between food, identity and culture. This provides our students with real world experience, that they will hopefully put into practice in the future. We have been honored to have had guest lecturers from the UN, international NGOs, universities, and international companies.
Global Partners
To allow us to build upon and apply the knowledge gained from the seven skills and the KOA Global Studies we are in the process of building stronger partnerships through GCN and in the Asia region. We’ve established a strong relationship with High Schools in the Philippines which allows the students from both schools to collaborate and work together on projects that provide food to people in need in some of the poorest areas of Manila.